How to monitor a vendor's IP addresses and IP ranges

Learn how UpGuard can help you monitor and assess the security posture of your vendor's IP-based assets

Written by Abi Tyas Tunggal


IP Addresses helps you monitor your vendor’s IP addresses and IP ranges by automatically finding IP addresses and IP ranges associated with the DNS records of their domains.

Before you can see a vendor’s IP addresses and IP ranges, you’ll need to be monitoring the vendor. Learn how to monitor a vendor here. Once you’ve monitored the vendor, you’ll need to select them. First, click Vendors in the sidebar under the VENDOR RISK header.

Now you’ll need to search for the vendor. In this example, I’ll search for UpGuard (1) and click on the corresponding row to open UpGuard’s Vendor Summary (2).

Clicking on the UpGuard row will open up a sub-menu under Vendors with the heading UPGUARD. In the sub-menu, click IP Addresses.

Now you’re on the vendor’s IP addresses, you’ll see two tabs IP addresses (1) and IP ranges (2).

IP addresses list the IP addresses monitored by UpGuard for the vendor and can be filtered by services, IP owner, ASN, or IP country. IP ranges monitor the IP ranges associated with the vendor and can be filtered by IP owner, ASN, and IP country.

Clicking into an individual IP address brings up a panel showing the owner, associate IP range, country, autonomous system (AS), autonomous system number (ASN), and any associated domains. If the IP address is not associated with any domains, you’ll see any risks associated with the IP address.

Likewise, clicking into an IP range will show you the owner, country, and number of IPs in the range, as well as any detected IP addresses or domains.


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