You can use labels to organize your domains, IP addresses, and vendors. Follow this guide to add, update, customize, or remove labels.
Labels improve your continuous visibility for attack surface and vendor risk management because you can customize your information experience. You can evaluate specific aspects of your security posture with two types of labels available in the UpGuard platform:
Domains & IP Management labels are used to label your and your vendors' domains and IP information across BreachSight and Vendor Risk.
Vendor Management labels are used to categorize and label your vendors.
These labels enable you to sort your domains and vendors according to the criteria you define within the labels settings. You can filter vendors to generate reports with specific information, as well as categorize your monitored domains or a subsidiary's domains.
Note: Only administrators can manage labels for your organization's account. You can have multiple users with administrative privileges.
This guide includes sections on how to add new labels from two areas of the platform, update an existing label, and remove a label.
Adding labels
As an administrator for your organization, navigate to the Settings option under the Account sidebar heading. As a reminder, this setting is only available to current account administrators. You can update domain labels from the Domain/IP Management tab and vendor labels from the Vendor Management tab. You can also create custom labels from these tabs.
The Domain/IP Management tab will have a section with a fillable text box to create new labels. The example provided has no existing labels:

The Vendor Management tab also has a section for creating labels. In the example shown, there are two existing labels: New and Test Label:

To add a new label, use the appropriate field and press Add.
You can also add labels with any of the Add labels buttons in the platform. You can find this button in the Domains & IPs section for BreachSight or in the Vendors section of Vendor Risk.

Pressing the Add label button will load a new pane that lists out all the labels you currently have available for your account. The default options for Vendor Relationship are In-Use, Business Data, Customer Data, Network Access, and Physical Access, though you can also add custom labels. The example below includes custom labels for New and Test Label.

Select whichever labels apply and press the Update labels button.
Modifying and removing existing labels
To modify an existing label, navigate to a list of all your current labels in the Settings feature that only administrators can access. For domain labels, select the Domain/IP Management tab; for vendor labels, select the Vendor Management tab. Identify which label you would like to modify and press the pencil icon. You can rename or delete the label from this tab. Renaming a label will change how that label appears everywhere in the tool.

To remove labels, click the trash icon to delete it, which will load an in-line confirmation button. Click Delete to confirm.

When you delete or rename a label, that change will be reflected throughout your instance. Deleted labels will be removed from any domains or vendors they were applied to. Renaming a label will change how that label appears everywhere in the platform.
Automatically populating vendor labels
To save time and ensure consistency, you can create automation rules to assign vendor labels, based on relationship questionnaire responses. Visit How to use automation to apply tiers, labels, portfolios and custom attributes to your vendors to learn more.
See also:
For further guidance on labeling your organization's assets, read these articles next:
To label your vendors, read these articles next: