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What is the Subsidiary Summary page?
What is the Subsidiary Summary page?

Learn about the Subsidiary Summary page and how it can help you better understand the security posture of your subsidiaries.

Lisa Baldacchino avatar
Written by Lisa Baldacchino
Updated over a week ago

For plans that include subsidiaries, the Subsidiary Summary page allows you to view the security posture of your subsidiaries in more detail including category breakdowns geolocation.

To view the summary page for a selected subsidiary select the organization from the Subsidiaries list in BreachSight:

The page starts with the overall security rating and risk breakdown.

Under the overall security rating are the risk category breakdowns. Each of our ten risk categories has a description, weighting, security rating, and risk breakdown.

The next section is Geolocation Risk Breakdown which shows where in the world your the subsidiary's infrastructure is located on a world map or in a table view.

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